*器件 应有尽有 一网打尽 购买须知: 我司所销售产品均为正品**渠道货,不出售假冒,翻新,散新等假货次品货,因市场及进货价格时有波动,实时价格以咨询我司相关工作人员,电话,QQ实时报价为准,网站标示仅为指导价格,不做较终销售报价凭证! 商品详情: The LP3990 regulator is designed to meet the requirements of portable, battery-powered systems providing an accurate output voltage, low noise, and low quiescent current. The LP3990 will provide a 0.8V output from the low input voltage of 2V at up to 150mA load current. When switched into shutdown mode via a logic ** at the enable pin, the power consumption is reduced to virtually zero. The LP3990 is designed to be stable with space saving ceramic capacitors as small as 1.0μF. Performance is specified for a -40°C to 125°C junction temperature range. For output voltages other than 0.8V, 1.2, 1.35V, 1.5V, 1.8V, 2.5V, 2.8V, or 3.3V please contact your local NSC sales office LP3990 Iout (Max) (A) 0.15 Vdo (Typ) (mV) 60 Iq (Typ) (mA) 0.043 Vin (Min) (V) 3.3 Vin (Max) (V) 6 Output Capacitor Type Ceramic Rating Catalog LP3990 特性 1% Voltage Accuracy at Room Temperature Stable with Ceramic Capacitor Logic Controlled Enable No Noise Bypass Capacitor Required Thermal-Overload and Short-Circuit Protection LP3990 器件用途 Cellular Handsets Hand-Held Information Appliances 公司简介: 深圳市力佳胜电子有限公司(RIGACHIP)主要经营国内外进口及国产**电子元器件,成立于2009年,以**正品,不售假货,同等质量价格较低为目标,在大陆市场占有较高评价。 代理经销**有:TI德州,NS国半,MICROCHIP微芯,TOSHIBA东芝,OB昂宝,MAX美信,ST意法半导体,ON安森美,JRC,ROHM罗姆,VISHAY威萨等 主要类型:放大器,运算放大器,稳压放大器,低压差放大,线性IC,逻辑IC,74系列与门IC,单片机,场效应MOS管,直插/贴片光耦,电源管理IC,LED驱动IC,放大器与线性器件,数据转换芯片,时钟芯片,接口芯片等 经过长期的不懈努力,公司在**内已树立了良好的信誉,受到了全国各地客户的**与信赖。竭诚为国内外众多客户提供**手货源,我们将以较硬的质量,较诚的服务,较优的价格,与您共商合作事宜,实现长期互惠共赢的合作关系!